søndag 1. april 2012

Palm Sunday

Where and what is the Gnostic understanding of Palm Sunday? It is the gap between the expectations of the masses and the insights of the experienced in regards to redemption and freedom. The gap is this: the masses, people in general, have hopes and places faith in it coming to them from the outside, like Jesus riding into town on a donkey is invested with faith and victory, whereas the gnostic, like Jesus, knows that faith will not come as expected, like a train arriving at a station, but only after the further mystery of Easter is passed. It is this mystery to which we should adhere, and which states that only trusting in the indwelling Christos will take us through; and this trust only. Believing in all kinds of things; the devil, a text or even the given version of God will not bring about redemption or freedom. Sustaining no belief at all while trusting the search for the death-surviving Man of light within,- this is the path of gnosis. So like Jesus, enter the public space with all its options without expectations. No faith, no beliefs is the point of departure. Belive nothing and observe yourself with honesty. That is the beginning of path-gnosis.

More comments will follow throughout Easter.

Kapelldugnad etter påske!

Det ser ut som vi har et lokale for kapell noen tid fremover. Det blir derfor snart sendt ut en invitasjon til en dugnad over Påske. I mellomtiden kan dere tenke etter om dere har malingrester, (vi blander sammen det vi får inn og lager et fargerikt rom ), stoler, tepper, kaffekopper skjeer, vannkoker etc.