Messen søndag 11. november er dessverre avlyst grunnet sykdom!
Vi beklager dette.
Informasjon fra Ecclesia Gnostica Norvegia og Bruchion Center for Art and Gnosis ang. forelesninger, studiegrupper, messer m.m. (Information from Ecclesia Gnostica Norvegia and Bruchion Center for Art and Gnosis regarding lectures, study groups, services, etc.)
fredag 9. november 2012
lørdag 29. september 2012
Høstens messer
Søndag 7. oktober - Denne dag: Søndagen etter den hellige Frans av Assisis dag
Søndag 14. oktober - Denne dag: Tempelherrenes martyrium
Søndag 11. november - Denne dag: Fred AVLYST GRUNNET SYKDOM!
Søndag 18. november - Denne dag: Sannheten som fører til frihet
Søndag 2. desember - Denne dag: Søken etter lyset
Søndag 9. desember - Denne dag: Gud i oss
Kl 13.00 Messe
Ecclesia Gnosticas liturgiske kalender
Søndag 14. oktober - Denne dag: Tempelherrenes martyrium
Søndag 18. november - Denne dag: Sannheten som fører til frihet
Søndag 2. desember - Denne dag: Søken etter lyset
Søndag 9. desember - Denne dag: Gud i oss
Kl 12.30 Tema for dagenKl 13.00 Messe
Ecclesia Gnosticas liturgiske kalender
lørdag 15. september 2012
Søndag 16. september - Messe
Kl 12:30 Tema for dagen: Nestekjærlighet
Kl 13:00 Messe
Mer om dagens tema, se ecclesia/lect093.htm
Kl 13:00 Messe
Mer om dagens tema, se
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Illustrasjon: Jesus helbreder en kvinne. Tegning av Rembrandt |
15 søndag etter treenighetsdagen,
søndag 22. juli 2012
22. juli: Den hellige Maria av Magdalas dag
22. juli feirer vi Maria Magdalena, i gnostisk litteratur omtalt i vendinger som "the Apostle who excels the rest, the Disciple of the Lord, the One who knew the All, the One who reveals the Greatness of the Revealer, the Inheritor of the Light, the privileged Interlocutor, the One who is always with the Lord, the One whom they call His Consort, and the Chosen of Women." Maria Magdalena var Jesu første og fremste apostel. Tau Steven har skrevet følgende homile i anledning hennes dag: The Beloved of the Logos. (Sitatet nevnt over er hentet derfra.)
Ellers finner du her en henvisning til en rekonstruksjon av Maria av Magdala's evangelium fra Nag Hammadi biblioteket:
A Complete Version of the Gospel of Mary Magdalen.
Det foreligger også en bok, Mary Magdalene, the first apostle: The struggle for authority av Ann Graham Brock fra Harvard University Press, 2003. (Kan bestilles bl.a. fra nettbokhandelen Capris.) Denne har fått en meget god omtale og burde være interessant i et gnostisk perspektiv.
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Maria Magdalena, tegning av Leonardo da Vinci |
Ellers finner du her en henvisning til en rekonstruksjon av Maria av Magdala's evangelium fra Nag Hammadi biblioteket:
A Complete Version of the Gospel of Mary Magdalen.
Det foreligger også en bok, Mary Magdalene, the first apostle: The struggle for authority av Ann Graham Brock fra Harvard University Press, 2003. (Kan bestilles bl.a. fra nettbokhandelen Capris.) Denne har fått en meget god omtale og burde være interessant i et gnostisk perspektiv.
Maria Magdalena
lørdag 21. juli 2012
The Prophet Mani
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The Prophet Mani (detail). © 2012 Jan Valentin Saether / BONO All Rights Reserved |
torsdag 7. juni 2012
Gnosis på englenes gård
Englagård på Borgen (v/ Asker) |
Vi ønsker alle en riktig god sommer, - og vel møtt igjen til høsten!
søndag 3. juni 2012
Søndag 3. juni - siste messe før sommeren
Vi ønsker velkommen til siste messe før sommeren søndag 3. juni kl 12-14.
Aktivitetene fortsetter i september måned.
Aktivitetene fortsetter i september måned.
søndag 27. mai 2012
Messen utsatt til 12:30 i dag (1. pinsedag)
Nb! Grunnet streiken er messen noe utsatt i dag, - til kl 12:30. Hyggelig hage, kafe og utstilling i Galleri E i samme hus mens man venter...
torsdag 17. mai 2012
Velkommen til nytt kapell i Asker (Borgen)
Fredag 25. mai kl. 19:00 holder Rev. Curé Jan Valentin Sæther en introduksjon til vår gjenåpnede virksomhet. Vi innvier også vårt nye kapell.
Søndag 27. mai kl. 12:00 holdes første messe i nytt kapell.
fredag 6. april 2012
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday came around after Jesus had upset the money changers and in other ways acted in some disturbing and unusual fashions, - several so called miracles, and generally doing things unexpected of a traditional savior figure who was expected to come, within Jewish traditions, as a warrior Messiah divinely commissioned to vanquish the enemy of Israel. This was of course, at that time, congruous with the common role of Kingship. Since antiquity a good King was one who slayed the enemy and relieved his subjects of the fear of the enemies deadly design upon their culture.
Jesus is about to upset this expectation and introduce a new order of life with the events following through Easter. As a first act of revealing this order he calls the disciples to assemble at the upper room for a Thursday meal among the friends. This in itself was not unusual for a Thursday night. For some time already, fervent and deeply religious friends had used Thursdays to gather before the Sabbath in what was called the Chabura. The Chabura was an extra-family affair. (See Gregory Dix “The Shape of the Liturgy”, Google Books search. URL:
According to Dix Jesus transforms this gathering and its format into what becomes the mass. And as he states; this Chabura was a Thursday affair.
On this occasion Jesus symbolically introduces his new unworldly order of things by bidding first Peter to, presumably, remove his ‘sandals’ so the Lord he can wash his, what in Jerusalem at that time, would be both a pair of dirty and somewhat smelly, feet. Given that Peter has been privy to some secrets regarding Jesus’ person, and has been brought up in the Jewish culture, he finds this embarrassing and refuses to comply. Where upon Jesus says to him that unless Peter removes his footwear he cannot be his disciple.
As much as we later in the narrative learns that Jesus indeed is associated with a kingship of a mysterious sort, it is perfectly understandable that this is actually perceived as both preposterous and shocking. A King or a Messiah washing his follower’s feet! This is a reversal of all modes of perceived kingship. It is what we today would perhaps understand as an act of carnivalesque reversal of the course of power. As indeed it was. A new order of Kingship, a profound and transforming service from the top and down, that went way beyond Plato’s Aristos (the noble civil servant of The Republic’s social revolution).
To look for this new order of things we may look to the so called Didache (Wikipedia:, a text nearly as old as the earliest gospels, wherein this new order, the way of life is juxtaposed with the way of death. ‘The Way’ was one of the earliest self-designations of the Jesus movement. (It is symptomatic of the later developments of the Church that this text would fall out of favor, but that is a topic for discussion in another time and another place.)
As we will see in the following events, the punishment for exposing and standing up to the cult of death was of course: Death.
We may however, consider that Jesus and his group were not set on this being the consequence and outcome of the affair that was to follow, though the challenge to both the Roman and Jewish power was skirting close to a death sentence. Much has been said and speculated about the guilt of the Romans or the Jews, but again, according to the differentiations Didache (or “The Two Ways”, as it is also called) both powers were compromised.
(The other event associated with Maundy Thursday, Judas and the institution of the Eucharist will be touched upon tomorrow, but suffice it now to say that the way both powers were compromised may cast a different light on the task asked of Judas Iscariot.)
Maundy Thursday,
søndag 1. april 2012
Palm Sunday
Where and what is the Gnostic understanding of Palm Sunday? It is the gap between the expectations of the masses and the insights of the experienced in regards to redemption and freedom. The gap is this: the masses, people in general, have hopes and places faith in it coming to them from the outside, like Jesus riding into town on a donkey is invested with faith and victory, whereas the gnostic, like Jesus, knows that faith will not come as expected, like a train arriving at a station, but only after the further mystery of Easter is passed. It is this mystery to which we should adhere, and which states that only trusting in the indwelling Christos will take us through; and this trust only. Believing in all kinds of things; the devil, a text or even the given version of God will not bring about redemption or freedom. Sustaining no belief at all while trusting the search for the death-surviving Man of light within,- this is the path of gnosis. So like Jesus, enter the public space with all its options without expectations. No faith, no beliefs is the point of departure. Belive nothing and observe yourself with honesty. That is the beginning of path-gnosis.
More comments will follow throughout Easter.
More comments will follow throughout Easter.
Kapelldugnad etter påske!
Det ser ut som vi har et lokale for kapell noen tid fremover. Det blir derfor snart sendt ut en invitasjon til en dugnad over Påske. I mellomtiden kan dere tenke etter om dere har malingrester, (vi blander sammen det vi får inn og lager et fargerikt rom ), stoler, tepper, kaffekopper skjeer, vannkoker etc.
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